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Financial Breathing Room
Financial Breathing Room

I know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck.
Drowning in endless bills with a stagnant paycheck.
How can you focus on your dreams and goals, if you’re in survival mode?
Let’s unpack why you aren’t getting paid much
Even though you are a phenomenal worker, putting in 40+ hours every week and giving your all to your job.
This might be frustrating to talk about given:
all of the time and work we put in to get here.
college poverty: cup noodles for dinner, some of us had sleep for dinner lol
The mountains of student loan debt hovering over our heads just to land a job we didn’t major in.
looking back at how useless this degree seems to be now.
dealing with customers and other annoying colleagues daily.
Just to go home back to our parent’s house or irritating roommates.
Or maybe you have your place but since you’re tackling all the bills yourself, you have 0 breathing room and if you get paid only 1-2x a month, the slightest inconvenience could set you back financially for months.
Granted it may not be all bad but can we admit, that we aren’t where we want to be? That’s EXACTLY where our focus should be set:
“This is not where I want to be” NOT “It’s not bad all the time, it’s tolerable.”
This is something we definitely should’ve learned in school but didn’t so I’ll explain it here.
Here’s The “Surprising” Truth:
Our economy was built for, favors and ONLY incentivizes business owners and investors, NOT employees and W-2 earners.
The proof is in your tax returns.
Business owners pay between 10-30% in taxes .
Investors can pay as LITTLE as 0% to 30% in taxes.
Where Employees (W-2) pay a CRIPPLING 30-40%
That’s almost half of your income.
Most times, people complain about these rates but we aren’t going to do that here.
For 2 reasons:
Tax Breaks are given to people who contribute to our society by creating ways to make people’s lives easier and providing us with opportunities.
Business Owners & Investors are seen as producers
Business Owners provide employment.
Real Estate Investors provide housing.
Business Owners offer services and products that make our lives, relationships, and businesses better.
This is why, they are barely taxed and get paid so much more.
W-2 workers are seen as consumers
although we work, we accept jobs with safe pay and little risk.
We help others daily but under the company’s name not our own and that makes the BIGGEST difference.
We buy and consume services, goods, and products made by business owners.
Technically we aren’t contributing to our community because we are under the company’s name.
Consumers get taxed so badly that it’s disrespectful.
The rules aren’t going to change so it’s either we play the game and succeed or stay right where we are. I prefer the former.
Who is this Newsletter for?
I wrote this letter for anyone seeking financial breathing room to help them create the mental space they need to enjoy their lives and focus on their dreams in a world designed to keep them stuck in the same cycles.
Let’s Lever The Playing Field
What if I told you,
You’re not where you want to be in life
because you’re playing soccer on a basketball court.
Before we can level the playing field, we have to learn how the game is played!
Once we know how the game is played, we’ll be able to shift our mindset and our focus to the rules of the game. Better yet, how to score.
I’m going to tell you exactly what we should’ve learned in school
The real reason why you aren’t earning as much for your time and efforts HAS VERY LITTLE to do with how much time and effort you put in.
You have that part down packed, clearly you aren’t afraid to work.
Most people think that’s the sole reason why they aren’t making enough money. That’s why they get a 2nd job or work overtime and still struggle financially and now putting their health at risk.
The truth is you’re not giving enough value!
You can put very little time and effort into working but if you’re giving a lot of value to a large group of people or another business, you will make more money than you would’ve ever imagined.
Okay, so What is Value?
We all know
Value = worth, usefulness, and importance
Okay, those synonyms do nothing for us. So, let’s put it like this…
Value = Convenience, Innovation, and Contribution
How can you make someone else’s life more convenient?
How can you innovate an existing product or service, in other words, make a better mouse trap? (also relates to convenience)
What skills do you have that can contribute to improving someone else’s business, life, relationships, happiness, or health?
Real-Life Example:
My apartment complex doesn’t have trash valet so those who live on the 3rd floor have to contemplate life just to take out the trash.
Guess what floor I live on.
There are a few kids that come by knocking on doors to take out the trash, I pay them every time.
Company Example:
Amazon revolutionized online shopping by offering next-day delivery, making shopping so convenient you don’t even have to go to a physical store anymore.
Real-Life Example:
It took me a VERY long time to think of an idea for this one and I’m not a coffee drinker but my girlfriend is and this may have been done already but hear me out:
A coffee maker that orders coffee beans for you when you run low!
This is an example of innovation.
Company Example:
Dyson revolutionized vacuum cleaners by making them bagless and easy to use.
Real-Life Example:
If you’re an expert in graphic design, you can look at the websites of local businesses, and give them stats on how website landing pages attract or deter clients.
Present your portfolio, an offer they cannot refuse and BOOM, close your first deal.
Company Example:
Apple contributed to the health industry by pushing out their Health app on iPhones and Apple watches. Even using the data collected from millions of iPhones and using that data to discover ways to innovate the health industry.
So you see, the key to making more money and even becoming rich doesn’t only boil down to time and effort.
Direct your time and effort in the right way by making the lives of the people around you better in every way you can but as a business owner or investor, not an employee.
Final Words
You don’t get paid for your time, you’re paid for your value.
The more people that can do your job and the more replaceable you are the less you will get paid.
Keep this in mind, Value is measured by how much you contribute to people's
also, by the number of people you reach.
The more you contribute, the more people you’re able to reach as a business owner or investor
By giving to your community and impacting lives, you'll find deep fulfillment and achieve financial freedom in the process.