How I Gained My First 5 Clients!

How I Gained My First 5 Clients!

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Who is this Newsletter For?

This newsletter is for new and aspiring business owners who are having trouble getting their first few clients and for existing business owners who want new clients.

The Truth About Growing a Following

For 2 weeks, I’ve gone down a rabbit hole, trying to figure out how to get more clients. Here’s how it started and what I’ve learned:

About a month ago, I decided that I wanted to grow a HUGE following on X (formerly known as Twitter). So I did mild research on how to grow a following. First, I learned about “engagement”.

Engagement is a method of growing a following, the goal is to engage with other people by:

making friends, leaving comments that are relatable or attention-grabbing, quoting and reposting tweets, and replying to other replies. So you’re going one-by-one engaging and making friends.

I started engaging with other Twitter accounts by posting 30 replies a day to different people. Granted, I gained about 2-3 followers per day which isn’t bad but I’m not the kind of person to go around talking to strangers, it’s just not in my nature. Then I realized, that engaging is BOOTSTRAPPING. It’s like starting a business from the ground up with no budget just grit, it’s doable but just not my style plus start-ups have a very low success rate.

Different categories + same principles = same results.

I’m more of a leverage kind of guy so I started looking at people with thousands if not millions of followers and I tried to figure out WHY people followed them not only that, I had to look at accounts that made money from their following by easily converting their followers into leads and converting leads into paid clients!

What are Leads??

A Lead is someone you can contact.

There are 2 types of leads.

  1. Someone you can contact is a Lead.

  2. “Engaged Lead” is someone who shows interest in the stuff you sell.

You want an engaged Lead! So you have to set your social media accounts up to attract engaged leads by:

Making your business your identity.

Meaning, that people should know you for the service or product you sell. If you look at my name, on my social media accounts, it’s Lawrence The Investor! That’s the name I go by, that’s my identity. I’ve had people send me finance content and ask me to go to investing conferences because I was the first person they thought of when they heard or saw investing content.

Only make content relating to your business.

Every post should relate to your product or service. I only post investing advice, the latest news, and inspirational content related to profiting, starting businesses, investing, and self-development.

Here’s What I Found Out!

There are a lot of accounts that have a lot of followers but don’t make any money and that’s pointless in my opinion.

Another thing I realized… everyone with a massive following, is very well-known in their industry, field, business, niche, and education with results to prove it. But I didn’t know the term for it and how do I do it if I’m just a normal person?

So I started looking for courses and books and who’s better to learn from than Dan Koe. An entrepreneur in the digital economy, who amassed over 1 MILLION followers without being a pop star, athlete, or actor. I bought his course and found out the term and it’s called “AUTHORITY”

Authority comes from Depth & Social Proof!

Depth = To know something so well that you can come up with your own smart ideas and solutions for problems.

This is why POVs and controversial statements create massive, cult like followings.

Social proof = credentials, titles, niche accomplishments, accolades, testimonials, and other things that display your authority!

Basically showing people you’re official in your field of expertise.

Everyone loves a success story, we all congratulate people and it even motivates us to do better. We follow strong authority figures because we view them as leaders! They’ve accomplished our aspirations. They’re a few steps ahead and by consuming their content it keeps our dreams alive by providing us with knowledge and taking us one step closer to our dreams.

Okay, so Authority is my #1 priority because if I can accomplish that, everything else will fall in place!

If I have verified authority by displaying: credentials, degrees, certifications, titles, accomplishments, accolades, testimonials, and other things that display my authority. people will follow me because they’re interested in what I do and offer, these new followers are known as “Engaged Lead”.

This is what I want because I don’t have to persuade anyone to buy my services or products, I’ve proven myself through social proof.

How do I take it 1 step further??

Lead Magnets

As I was reading $100M Leads by Alex Hormozi, I came across “Lead Magnets”.

A Lead Magnet is a product that’s so good that you can charge for but instead, you give it away for free.

Yes, give it away for free! Build that trust with your potential clients before they even reach out to you. Make your Lead Magnet so good that they’ll know the paid product will be worth the money, now you’ve taken away the “Customer’s risk” which is “the thought of potentially wasting money”.

So what’s the next step to growing a following and scaling your business?

Offering a service!

Offering a service will build your authority through testimonials. You’ll gain experience which can help increase your pricing and it will give you opportunity to create amazing lead magnets along the way.

The question lies: If the newsletter is all about getting leads, it doesn't make sense to suggest offering a service when there are no leads to begin with.

What should I do in this situation?

Make Your Offer So Good,
They’ll Feel Dumb Saying No

Give them an offer that’s so good that they’ll feel dumb to refuse.

You’re going to do 2 things:

  1. Don’t hold ANYTHING back! Give them every service, product, piece of knowledge, insider, trick, tip, hack, and everything else you have to give.

Keeping secrets from your customers holds your business back. Being open builds trust and loyalty, leading to success. Plus, more value you give means you can charge more, making more money for you in the long run.

We're not about competing on price; we're about offering unmatched value and charging as much as the market accepts.

Delivering value that stands out and earning what we're worth.

- Lawrence The Investor
  1. Offer the first 5 clients free of charge! In return, ask for a video and written testimonial and ask them to refer you to 5 of their friends.

Testimonials: show others they can trust us. Videos add a personal touch, making it real and relatable.

Referrals: Word of mouth is unbeatable. Sharing with friends is powerful and almost always leads to success. Most times when we tell our friends “Hey you have to try this!” or “You have to get this!”, most likely they’ll do it. So let your product or service be the topic of conversation.

Both Testimonials and Referrals are like gold. It builds trust and helps grow our business effortlessly.

Let’s Put It All Together

We want more followers to convert them into Engaged Leads who will buy our products and services to make us more money!

To grow a large following with engaged leads, you have to Build Authority. You Build Authority by OBTAINING and Creating CONTENT around your credentials, degrees, certifications, titles, accomplishments, accolades, testimonials, and other things that display your authority.

You can obtain these things by completing courses and school but my preference is offering a service to help people in exchange for testimonials and referrals!

How do you get people to accept your service? By presenting an offer they’ll feel dumb saying no. You give it to them for free and don’t hold anything back, give them EVERYTHING you have to offer. In exchange for a written and video testimonial and 5 referrals! This will build your authority, trust, and experience.

While providing this free service to your clients, choose pieces or breakdown parts of the service to give away for free known as a lead magnet the purpose of a lead magnet is to attract more leads to convert into clients then…

Rinse & Repeat

Final Words

If you made it this far into the newsletter, you deserve to learn a missing piece that took me a long time to figure out. Granted it may be obvious to some but it wasn’t for me.

Who do I reach out to for my first 5 clients?

I’ll tell you right now unless you just have a STRONG community, making a post saying “Free Services….” most likely won’t work and you’ll feel dumb posting it or embarrassed then discouraged and quit altogether. So what do you do?

Direct Message or Text people you know or know of you but here’s the important part, please make sure they are the type of person that would be interested in the service or product you’re offering.

If you do lashes don’t reach out to a macho guy who goes to the gym every day.

If you’re a competitive weightlifting champion turned personal trainer don’t reach out to the girly girl who wants her lashes done.

Go through your social media accounts, and choose the platform you spend the most time on, with the most followers. Go through your followers and start DMing them. Be personable and present your offer.

Here’s my go-to DM, feel free to take what you need.

What’s up {First Name},

I’m picking candidates for my 10-week Wealth Building Program and you would be a perfect fit, {personal observation why they’re a fit}. {Make a connection between you and them leading to the next paragraph.}

So, I created a Wealth Building Program that will put you in control of your finances, know where your money's going, how to invest your money, measure your time for retirement and reach your goals. At a fraction of the cost of a financial advisor.

Since this is a new business and I have a point to prove, it will be completely free. All I ask for is an honest testimonial and refer me to 5 of your friends if the programs meets your expectations.

Do me a favor and book a Zoom call,

Let's start planting some seeds to so it can turn into something truly amazing down the road.

My Logic Behind the Message:

Opening Line:
“What’s up {First Name}”

I want to make this as personable as possible, we’re human beings, not bots or sleazy salesmen.

“ I’m picking candidates for my 10-week Wealth Building Program and you would be a perfect fit, {personal observation why they’re a fit}. {Make a connection between you and them leading to the next paragraph.}”

I could have started with the usual "How are you?" or "How've you been?" But let's be real, most people would see through that and know I'm just selling something. We don’t want to lose a potential client because of a lack of genuineness or trust. So, let's keep our respect and cut to the chase and dive into what I have to offer.

Also don’t say ‘You would be a perfect fit’ without giving a reason why and here’s why:
1. make them feel special by picking out things you’ve noticed about them.
2. if you don’t give a reason, you probably say that to everyone and you lose a few points for being generic.

The Product/Service:
So, I created a Wealth Building Program that will put you in control of your finances, know where your money's going, how to invest your money, measure your time for retirement, and reach your goals. At a fraction of the cost of a financial advisor.”

Here, I pointed out 3 crucial things and made it concise:
1. I’m guaranteeing them control over their money.
2. Teaching them how-to
3. Offering it at a fraction of the cost of the traditional “Financial Advisor”.

The Closing Offer:
Since this is a new business and I have a point to prove, it will be completely free. All I ask for is an honest testimonial and refer me to 5 of your friends if the programs meet your expectations.

First, you can see the transparency of how I exposed that this is a new business and I want to work my way up before I ask you for your money. This entails 2 things:
1. I’m increasing your respect and trust in me.
2. I’m asking for your support of my new business without any cost to you which any decent human being wouldn’t mind doing.

Here’s the offer that they’d be dumb to say no. I’m offering my services completely free in exchange for a testimonial that will support my business relating to #2.

The Outro:
Do me a favor and book a Zoom call,

Let's start planting some seeds to so it can turn into something truly amazing down the road.

The closing statements, here’s a little human psychology trick if you ever ask someone “Hey can you do me a favor?” or “Is it too much to ask if you could…” they are 10x more likely to actually do it.

Sometimes I’ll even say “I’m sure you’d be interested in something like this” because who wants to openly admit they don’t want better for themselves?
Then I end it with a quote relating to building wealth and investing in themselves!

How to Handle Excuses & Concerns!

Most times, I normally get an “I don’t have time” ”I’m not ready” or some other concern. 
When this happens your job is to tailor your services to resolve those concerns without compromising PRICE or INTEGRITY.

Lead: ”I don’t have time?”
My reply: “It’s a time-efficient product {explain how in 1-2 sentences or give a case study}”

Lead: “I’m not ready?”
My reply: “That makes you a perfect candidate, those who aren’t ready are the ones that need my services the most.”

Close every gap, and make necessary adjustments so they have no other reason to say no unless they don’t want the best for themselves and if that’s the case, you don’t want them as clients anyway.

Reach out to 100 people, contacts on your phone, and followers on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter or wherever. I guarantee 5 of them will say yes.

If you enjoyed this newsletter, Do me a favor and share it with your family and friends.

You never know, who you might inspire.