Wealthy & Relaxed

A Message From The Investor

Wealthy & Relaxed

Make More, Stress Less

I named this newsletter Wealthy & Relaxed because I want to explain how to make more money with less effort.

Hard work and long hours don’t equate to more money.

This can sound crazy in a world that pushes the “Hustle Culture” narrative down every avenue of media known to man.

We know life doesn’t have to be like that.
we witness it everywhere,
the business owner or supervisor who doesn’t work as hard as the employees but is financially free.

How about the other side of it?

The people who work 2 jobs and still struggle financially.
If you have 2 jobs shouldn’t that solve every financial burden?
But instead, burnout is coming around the corner and the struggle is still here.

Hard work and long hours don’t equate to more money.

Personally, I think the concept of “Hustle Culture” is insane, I’d rather get paid while spending time with my girl, family, and friends than work every second of my life.

I made this newsletter to discuss how to do just that.

I’m here to Retire “Hustle Culture”, the concept of grinding 24/7.

And Promote “Wealth Culture” and teach the concepts of:
Earning While You Sleep
More Money, Less Grind
Streamlined Wealth

- Lawrence Briscoe

New Feature: Feel free to click on any topic and it’ll take you there!

The Moment I Realized

Unless you were born financially free or inherited a business.

You're likely in the same boat as most of us, the moment we go out into the real world, we have to get a job.

We start from scratch with almost no sense of direction.

At 17, I was a broke college student working at KFC, earning just $200 every two weeks. Bills piling up, car payments looming, I was drowning financially.

Then, I made a bold move, I quit college to work full-time at KFC.

Stupid right? Who would quit college to work at KFC full-time? But honestly, at that time, it made more sense to me.

I’m a very straightforward and literal thinker.

When I went to the administration office on campus they told me, I owed $3K for the semester, I was so mad, I spazzed on the student at the front desk.

“so you mean to tell me…” is what I started with.

It just didn’t make sense to me, still to this day… I’m in class working my ass off during the day, staying up late at night doing homework and I have to pay you $3,000 every 3 months?

I felt like they were trying to get over on me. At least, KFC paid me for working and they didn’t give me any homework. Once my shift was over, that was it, done for the day.

It’s the Fall of 2013, after working at KFC for a while, my close friend, Cortlind put in a word for me and I landed a job at Outback Steakhouse in Oxon Hill as host.

I worked my way up to becoming a server at Outback, expediting my food, cleaning my tables, running my food, and sometimes seating customers in my sections for about $80-$100/night in tips which wasn’t bad at all!

Eventually, I moved on to a 4.5-star restaurant called Red Stone American Grill in National Harbor, MD. A beautiful establishment, where wine-pairing classes were mandatory.

They had food runners, busboys, hosts, and top-notch chefs and all I had to do was take orders and make sure my customers were satisfied, that’s it. Forgot to mention, I would take home close around $180/ night on weekdays and $220-$300/ night on weekends.

I’ll never forget the most expensive appetizer the Jumbo Buffalo Shrimp for $89. Yes, an appetizer was $89! I’ve seen people walk in, sit down, look at the menu prices, get up, and walk out.

By the way, the food was excellent! If you ever need a recommendation, you know who to ask.

However, there was one CRUCIAL lesson I picked up while working at both Outback and Red-Stone, something that college never would have taught me.

At that moment I realized

It’s possible to earn more for less.
I made double at a Higher-end establishment for less work than the lower-end place despite doing twice as much work.

I mean, after all, we were taught the harder and longer we worked the more we got paid right? An honest day’s work and all that bullsh*t.

That’s exactly what it was bullsh*t, more hours and work doesn’t automatically mean more pay.

I didn't know how or why that was possible at the moment,
but over the years of pursuing this type of leverage, I discovered how to do it. So, let's dive in.


I’m not saying you won’t work, you will definitely have to work.
I just want you to get the most out of your efforts, time, and money.

And if anyone promises you, any kind of crazy return or reward with very little or no effort from you, there’s a 99.999% chance it’s a scam.

I’m here to show you how to work with purpose and intention.

How to LEVERAGE your work, time, money and efforts so you can get infinitely more back than what you put in.

- Lawrence Briscoe

Thinking about work in exchange for money is basic thinking, it’s common and it’ll keep you in the rat race.

What’s uncommon? Thinking about how to leverage your work.

How I define Leverage:
using money, behavior, talent, or any resource and advantage that you have to achieve a goal and make more.

The most successful people in the world think in terms of leverage.

Leverage is like using a seesaw to make a heavy object go up by sitting on the other end.

It's using a ladder to reach something high up without having to jump.

Imagine using a tool to open a tight jar lid, that's leverage.

It’s paying a 5% down payment on your rental property and having the bank pay the remaining amount.

If you want to enrich your Health, Wealth, and Relationships. You need to think in terms of leverage.

“How can I maximize this?”
“How can I use these skills to make more money?”
“How can I turn this into a business?”
“How can I get the most out of this position?”
“How can I use this job title or brand to create more opportunites?”
“How can I bring this company more value?”
“How can I make this person more money?”
“How can I make someone’s life more convenient?”
“What system can I make that will make this process go smoother and get things done quicker?”

When I write a newsletter, it involves so much research, revision, and drawing from books and YouTube videos I’ve already read and watched to create valuable content.

It's a lot of work, but the key takeaway here is, this is a form of LEVERAGE.

I write it once and publish it online, it’s here forever and can potentially reach an infinite number of readers who can gain value and subscribe to my newsletter.

As I gain notoriety, authority, and trustworthiness with my subscribers, I can leverage that into selling digital products or other ways that can benefit everyone.

Mindstorming Exercise

Do me a favor and do this exercise:

Mindstorming is the single greatest technique for mental roadblocks and goal setting. It has made more Millionaires than any other technique

1. Pull out your notes app or grab a pen and paper
2. Choose 3 questions from the list of questions I provided for you above
3. write down 10 different answers per question

You may feel like you can’t think of 10 different answers but don’t move on until you do. It’s okay to use Google for help but mainly use your mind.

Mindstorming is a simple exercise. It can be difficult at first but the more you do it, the easier it becomes like everything else in life.

Wealth Culture

Earlier in the letter, I said that I’m here to

Retire “Hustle Culture”

and Promote “Wealth Culture”, the concepts of:
Earning while Dreaming
More Money, Less Grind
Streamlined Wealth

Rich is measured in money
Wealth is measured by time.

Wealth Culture is investing your time, work, effort and money into assets that keep paying you, even when you're not working. Unlike a regular job, where the money stops when you clock out.

Imagine a life where your money works for you 24/7.

Don’t Just Work for Money

Before you do any work think about how you can leverage your job, business, and money.

If you’re going to work, think about ways to get the most out of it, even if it’s slow at first.

The goal is to get the most out of this situation,
I can go on a rant on how risky having one source of income is.
You’re only one sit-down, email, or call away from being upside on life.

To prevent this, you have to plan for it, don’t wait until you want to quit or get fired.
Set a goal for yourself no matter how big because you need a destination. Then create a plan, a plan makes your goal achievable and your dreams real by quantifying everything you need to get there.

Having a goal cuts out short-term thinking and replaces it with a Long-Term Vision.

Short-term thinking is a forbidden act designed to keep you poor.
It stops you from prospering and erodes your ability to grow your wealth, health, relationships, and happiness.

Do not work a job without a Long-Term Vision.

Long-Term Vision

Before taking on a job, ask yourself:

Will the skills from this job make for a good business?
If so, make sure you enjoy it. You don’t have to love it all the time and it doesn’t have to be perfect but make sure you don’t dread going to work. If it doesn’t give you the Sunday scaries and you don’t mind going to work more times than not. Start a business with the skills you learn here.

Will this job give me the experience I need to reach the job I actually want?
If so, stick it out even if you don’t like it but actively apply for the position you desire.

Am I working here just for the money or do I enjoy what I’m doing?
The ONLY time, it’s okay to work a job just for money is if you plan on leveraging that money by investing in cash-flowing assets that will allow you to quit this job.

Cash-flowing assets are things that will pay you daily to monthly like digital products, rental properties, dividend stocks, or buying a business.

If it’s anything less than that, personally, I wouldn’t do it. You’re just going to hate your life, dread the mornings, pray for the day to be over, and get excited about the weekends to dread Sunday Scaries just to return to hell, on Monday morning.

Here’s the gist of it all:

Don’t get a Job, Invest in a Career.
If you get a job, leverage the money to invest or start a business.

The main goal is yours to decide, create a plan to quantify everything, and see if this job has a place in it.

But don’t work a job just for the sake of having a job.

Earning While You Sleep

I’m sure we all know one of the most known quotes from Warren Buffet.

If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.

If you don’t have money but time,
Here’s how you can leverage your time:

Create digital products:

  • E-books

  • Online Classes

  • Online Courses

  • Sell Templates and Designs on Etsy

  • Start a newsletter

  • Create How-To guides

The thing with digital products, it helps if you have authority in the space and known success.

Keep in mind, that digital products are the perfect tools to leverage.

A lot of upfront work but it costs little to no money to create them.

But you only have to create it once and it can sell a million times.

Find a way to make a digital product out of your talents, skills, experiences and knowledge.

The rest will be up to your marketing skills.

If you don’t have time but money,
Here’s how you can leverage your money:

Invest in cash-flowing assets.
Laymen terms: buy things that make you money:

  • Rental Properties

  • Buy a Business

  • Dividend Stocks

  • Start a car rental business, leverage Turo.

  • Buy ATMs and Vending Machines

Since you have money, you may not need to work that much upfront, instead, you can use your money to make money.

The more money you invest = the more you make.

The more you make = the closer you are to financial freedom.

Every investment should be giving you a check either daily, monthly or annually.

The goal is to invest so much of your money that whatever you’re investing in can pay for your cost of living.

The simplest way I can explain the concept of Wealth is

'Mailbox Money.'

Pay an advance for a check later.

You pay a lump sum of money in 'advance' and you'll get a percentage of what you’ll make later.

As long as the investment is alive, you’ll continue to get paid.

Passive Income.’ 

The bigger the advance, The bigger the check.

- Inspired by Nipsey Hussle

If you don’t have time or money,
Here’s how you can leverage being alive:

If you don’t have time may be because you’re working, taking care of your family, and doing everything else under the sun.

And when you’re not doing any of that you’re tired.

Create Content.

Do what you’re doing but start recording it.

Of course, you’re going to have to show some personality, be funny or very serious, and interactive but all of that will make your busy life more fun anyway.

Be sure to choose at least 1 of these 3 as a foundation.

Education, Entertainment and Erotica.

People will be fully invested in your life and as you grow a following.
You can leverage your influence.

Put a paywall between your followers and your:

  • close friends on Instagram.

  • start an Onlyfans.

The best content to has always been due the creator’s vulnerability.
Raw, uncut, and most times unedited content of someone’s life.

As your following and influence grow, maybe you’ll start to find the time, you thought you didn’t have and create a digital product from the list above.

Then use the money to buy cash-flowing assets from the other list I provided above.

You can create a system out of leveraging your money, time, and life. Pick the lowest hanging fruit, find success through one of these avenues and the others will follow suit.

If you enjoyed this newsletter, Do me a favor and share it with your family and friends.

You never know, who you might inspire.